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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours Includes a Live Web Event on 07/17/2024 at 1:00 PM (CDT)

    Have you ever asked yourself, “I’m not a formal project manager; how can I improve my project management skills into my day-to-day NPD role?” In this webinar, you’ll be led on a best practice journey, learning the steps of project management from start to finish through the example of creating a system-wide nursing orientation.

    Charting a Course to Excellence: Project Management Strategies for NPD Practitioners 

    Presented by: Emily R. Sermersheim, DNP, MPH, RN, NPD-BC, PMP

    Target Audience:    NPD practitioners, NPD specialists, NPD nurse leaders, PD associates

    Level of Intended Audience of NPD Practitioners:    Expert

    Description: Have you ever asked yourself, “I’m not a formal project manager; how can I improve my project management skills into my day-to-day NPD role?” In this webinar, you’ll be led on a best practice journey, learning the steps of project management from start to finish through the example of creating a system-wide nursing orientation.

    Outcome:  80% of participants will report that this session provides information that enhances their knowledge of concepts, tools, and techniques of the project management lifecycle applied to nursing professional development.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours:  1.0

    Expiration Date (recording):  August 17, 2024

    Successful completion:

    • View webinar
    • Complete on-line evaluation

      For further information email

    Provided by image Jointly provided by image

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours Includes a Live Web Event on 07/10/2024 at 12:00 PM (CDT)

    The updated Nursing Professional Development: Scope & Standards of Practice (4th ed.) calls us to practice with cultural humility and inclusiveness. In this session, we’ll explore fundamental concepts of Standard 9 and understand how NPD practitioners and professional development associates are integrating this important work into their practice. Come with an open mind, leave empowered by tangible practice exemplars!

    Standard 9: Authentic Application to NPD Practice

    Presented by: Misty Cahoon, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, Caryll Campbell, MSN, MPH, RN, CEN, NPD-BC, Crystal Gellin, AA & Jennifer Myles-Clair, DNP, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN, CNE

    Target Audience:    NPD practitioners, NPD specialists, NPD nurse leaders, PD associates

    Level of Intended Audience of NPD Practitioners:    all levels (novice, competent, & expert)

    Description: The updated Nursing Professional Development: Scope & Standards of Practice (4th ed.) calls us to practice with cultural humility and inclusiveness. In this session, we’ll explore fundamental concepts of Standard 9 and understand how NPD practitioners and professional development associates are integrating this important work into their practice. Come with an open mind, leave empowered by tangible practice exemplars!

    Outcome:  80% of participants will report that this session provides information that enhances, validates, or causes a change in their NPD practice.

    Continuing Education:  Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours:  1.0

    Expiration Date (recording): July 10, 2027

    Successful completion:

    • View Webinar 
    • Completely on-line evaluation 

    For further information email

    Provided by image

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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    Why do outcomes matter and what is their connection to why we provide an education activity? Join us to delve into professional practice gap identification, outcome determination, and design of an activity to make the link between the gap and the outcome – including how to measure the results! All members and roles of the NPD team will benefit from this discussion.

    February 2024 ANPD Live Webinar: Gaps to Outcomes: Making the Connection

    Provided by ANPD

    Presented by: Pam Dickerson, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC®, FAAN
    Target Audience: NPD practitioners, NPD specialists, NPD nurse leaders, PD associates

    Level of Intended Audience of NPD Practitioners: Novice, Competent, & Expert

    Description: Why do outcomes matter and what is their connection to why we provide an education activity? Join us to delve into professional practice gap identification, outcome determination, and design of an activity to make the link between the gap and the outcome – including how to measure the results! All members and roles of the NPD team will benefit from this discussion.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will document one strategy to help them link gaps and outcomes when developing educational activities.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours:1.0
    Expiration Date (recording):February 28, 2027

    Successful completion:
    1. View webinar
    2. Complete on-line evaluation

    For further information email

    • Purchase Now
      • Non-member - $85
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      • Lifetime - Free!
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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    The LGBTQ+ community is at increased risk for a myriad of health disparities above and beyond their heterosexual and cisgender peers. However, those with multiple minority identities face additional challenges and health inequities. This webinar will provide opportunity for interactive discussion surrounding life at the intersections of several minority identities (e.g. race, gender & gender identity, sexual orientation, country of origin, religion, and ability) and the implications it has for patients, and their care.

    2024 ANPD Live Webinar: Orientation, & Gender, & Race, Oh My! A Conversation on Intersectionality

    Provided by ANPD

    ANPD Members: FREE
    Non-members: $85

    Target Audience: NPD practitioners, NPD specialists, NPD nurse leaders, PD associates, nursing education instructors & faculty, simulation educators, nurse leaders/managers/executives, all registered nurses
    Level of Intended Audience of NPD Practitioners: Novice, competent, and expert

    Description: The LGBTQ+ community is at increased risk for a myriad of health disparities above and beyond their heterosexual and cisgender peers. However, those with multiple minority identities face additional challenges and health inequities. This webinar will provide opportunity for interactive discussion surrounding life at the intersections of several minority identities (e.g. race, gender & gender identity, sexual orientation, country of origin, religion, and ability) and the implications it has for patients, and their care.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session provides information that enhances, validates, or causes a change in practice.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours: 1.0
    Expiration Date (recording): May 1, 2027

    Successful completion:
    1. View webinar
    2. Complete on-line evaluation

    Relevant Financial Relationships: No relevant financial relationships exist for any individuals in a position to control the content of this activity.

    For further information email

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      • Non-member - $85
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      • PD Associate - Free!
      • Organizational - Free!
      • Group - Free!
      • Military - Free!
      • Retired - Free!
      • Lifetime - Free!
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  • Contains 5 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    The 2024 ANPD Aspire Convention hosted over 1,200 attendees, nearly half who were attending their first ever Aspire Convention . Because we know it’s not possible for all NPD practitioners to travel to the in-person event, we’re making these keynote expert sessions available for on-demand viewing!

    3 Can't-Miss Keynote Presentations: 2024 Aspire Convention

    A Nursing Renaissance™: The Dawn of a New Era

    Presented by: Donna Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP, FAAN

    Description: In this transformational program, The Inspiration shares a roadmap for a bright and hopeful future for nursing. Donna outlines the amazing opportunities before us to create a new paradigm that will empower, enlighten, and elevate the profession to new heights. With her customary humor, animated style, and vision of the future, Donna uplifts and energizes to illuminate a new path for all to follow. Look out world, here come the nursing professional development practitioners!

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session provided strategies for personal and professional rebirth and renewal to help expand their nursing practice.

    Weaving Inclusive Excellence from the Classroom to the Bedside

    Presented by: Brigit Carter, PhD, RN, FAAN

    Description: Promoting awareness of inclusive excellence in nursing is essential for delivering unbiased, patient-centered care. The concepts of inclusive excellence are used to show how nurses in various professional roles can develop, implement, and maintain strategies to support a more inclusive, respectful environment that enhances a sense of belonging.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session increased concepts of inclusive excellence and provided strategies to support an inclusive, respectful environment for learners.

    Leading through Innovation: Building the Future of Our Profession

    Presented by: Dan Weberg, PhD, MHI, BSN, RN, FAAN

    Description: Healthcare is being disrupted and leaders need to take an innovation-first approach to navigate through uncertainty and create high-performing teams and organizations for the future. In this session, Dr. Dan Weberg covers the case for innovation, how to lead innovation in healthcare, common reasons change fails, and specific actions steps for building a culture of adaptability to support future success.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session increased knowledge of current innovative work in nursing space and how to adapt for innovative growth.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    Healthcare is being disrupted and leaders need to take an innovation-first approach to navigate through uncertainty and create high-performing teams and organizations for the future. In this session, Dr. Dan Weberg covers the case for innovation, how to lead innovation in healthcare, common reasons change fails, and specific actions steps for building a culture of adaptability to support future success.

    Leading through Innovation: Building the Future of Our Profession

    Presented by: Dan Weberg, PhD, MHI, BSN, RN, FAAN

    Description: Healthcare is being disrupted and leaders need to take an innovation-first approach to navigate through uncertainty and create high-performing teams and organizations for the future. In this session, Dr. Dan Weberg covers the case for innovation, how to lead innovation in healthcare, common reasons change fails, and specific actions steps for building a culture of adaptability to support future success.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session increased knowledge of current innovative work in nursing space and how to adapt for innovative growth.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours:  1.0

    Expiration Date (recording):  December 31, 2024

    Successful completion:

    • View Recording
    • Complete on-line evaluation

    For further information email

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    Promoting awareness of inclusive excellence in nursing is essential for delivering unbiased, patient-centered care. The concepts of inclusive excellence are used to show how nurses in various professional roles can develop, implement, and maintain strategies to support a more inclusive, respectful environment that enhances a sense of belonging.

    Weaving Inclusive Excellence from the Classroom to the Bedside

    Presented by: Brigit Carter, PhD, RN, FAAN

    Description: Promoting awareness of inclusive excellence in nursing is essential for delivering unbiased, patient-centered care. The concepts of inclusive excellence are used to show how nurses in various professional roles can develop, implement, and maintain strategies to support a more inclusive, respectful environment that enhances a sense of belonging.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session increased concepts of inclusive excellence and provided strategies to support an inclusive, respectful environment for learners.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours:  1.0

    Expiration Date (recording):  December 31, 2024

    Successful completion:

    • View Recording
    • Complete on-line evaluation

    For further information email

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    In this transformational program, The Inspiration shares a roadmap for a bright and hopeful future for nursing. Donna outlines the amazing opportunities before us to create a new paradigm that will empower, enlighten, and elevate the profession to new heights. With her customary humor, animated style, and vision of the future, Donna uplifts and energizes to illuminate a new path for all to follow. Look out world, here come the nursing professional development practitioners!

    A Nursing Renaissance™: The Dawn of a New Era

    Presented by: Donna Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP, FAAN

    Description: In this transformational program, The Inspiration shares a roadmap for a bright and hopeful future for nursing. Donna outlines the amazing opportunities before us to create a new paradigm that will empower, enlighten, and elevate the profession to new heights. With her customary humor, animated style, and vision of the future, Donna uplifts and energizes to illuminate a new path for all to follow. Look out world, here come the nursing professional development practitioners!

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session provided strategies for personal and professional rebirth and renewal to help expand their nursing practice.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours:  1.0

    Expiration Date (recording):  December 31, 2024

     Successful completion:

    • View recording
    • Complete on-line evaluation

     For further information email

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    Target Audience: NPD practitioners, NPD specialists, NPD nurse leaders, PD associates, nursing education instructors & faculty, simulation educators, nurses who facilitate education of healthcare professionals, nurse leaders, managers, and executives, all registered nurses

    Level of Intended Audience of NPD Practitioners: Competent and expert

    Description: Have you ever thought about publishing an article in a professional journal? Not sure where to begin? This webinar will address the steps in the professional nursing publication process and provide key pearls to help to be successful in the publication process. Resources will be provided that will aid the in the publication process. The Journal for Nurses in Professional Development publication process will be described.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session provides information that enhances, validates, or causes a change in practice.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours: 1.0
    Expiration Date (recording): April 24, 2027

    Successful completion:

    1. View webinar
    2. Complete on-line evaluation

    For further information email

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      • Non-member - $85
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      • Lifetime - Free!
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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes NCPD contact hours

    Target Audience: NPD practitioners, NPD specialists, NPD nurse leaders, PD associates, nursing education instructors & faculty, simulation educators, nurses who facilitate education of healthcare professionals, nurse leaders, managers, and executives, all registered nurses

    Level of Intended Audience of NPD Practitioners: Competent and expert

    Description: Have you ever thought about publishing an article in a professional journal? Not sure where to begin? This webinar will address the steps in the professional nursing publication process and provide key pearls to help to be successful in the publication process. Resources will be provided that will aid the in the publication process. The Journal for Nurses in Professional Development publication process will be described.

    Outcome: 80% of participants will report that this session provides information that enhances, validates, or causes a change in practice.

    Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Contact Hours: 1.0
    Expiration Date (recording): April 24, 2027

    Successful completion:

    1. View webinar
    2. Complete on-line evaluation

    For further information email

    • Purchase Now
      • Non-member - $85
      • Member - Free!
      • PD Associate - Free!
      • Organizational - Free!
      • Group - Free!
      • Military - Free!
      • Retired - Free!
      • Lifetime - Free!
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